Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. de la Malla, C., & Goettker, A. (2023). The effect of impaired velocity signals on goal-directed eye and hand movements. Scientific Reports13(1), 13646.
  2. Goettker, A., Borgerding, N., Leeske, L., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). Cues for predictive eye movements in naturalistic scenes. Journal of Vision23(10), 1-20.
  3. Goettker, A., & Stewart, E. E. M. (2022). Serial dependence for oculomotor control depends on early sensory signals. Current Biology32(13), 2956-2961.
  4. Goettker, A., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2021). A change in perspective: The interaction of saccadic and pursuit eye movements in oculomotor control and perception. Vision Research, 188, 283-296.
  5. Goettker, A., Pidaparthy, H., Braun, D.I., Elder, J.H., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2021). Ice hockey spectators use contextual cues to guide predictive eye movements. Current Biology, 31 (16), R991-R992.
  6. Goettker, A. (2021). Retinal error signals and fluctuations in eye velocity influence oculomotor behavior in subsequent trials. Journal of Vision, 21, 28-28.
  7. Goettker, A., Fiehler, K, Voudouris, D. (2020). Somatosensory target information is used for reaching but not for saccadic eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology124(4), 1092-1102
  8. Goettker, A.*, Agtzidis, I.*, Braun, D.I., Dorr, M., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2020). From Gaussian Blobs to Natural Videos: Comparison of oculomotor behavior across different stimulus complexities. Journal of Vision, 20(8), 26-26
  9. Goettker, A., MacKenzie, KJ, Murdison, TS. (2020). Differences between oculomotor and perceptual artifacts for temporally limited head mounted displays. J Soc Inf Display. 1-11
  10. Goettker, A., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2019). Dynamic combination of position and motion information when tracking moving targets. Journal of Vision19(7):2, 1-22.
  11. Goettker, A., Brenner, E. & Gegenfurtner K.R., & de la Malla, C. (2019). Corrective saccades influence perception and interception. Scientific Reports. 9:5395. 
  12. Goettker, A., Braun, D. I., Schütz, A. C., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2018). Execution of saccadic eye movements affects speed perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201704799.
  13. Ross, N. M., Goettker, A., Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2017). Discrimination of curvature from motion during smooth pursuit eye movements and fixation. Journal of Neurophysiology118(3), 1762-1774.
  14. Voudouris, D., Goettker, A., Mueller, S., Fiehler, K. (2016). Kinesthetic information facilitates saccades towards proprioceptive-tactile targets. Vision Research, 122, 73-80.


  1. Goettker, A., Locke, S. M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Mamassian, P. (2023). Sensorimotor Confidence for Tracking Eye Movements. bioRxiv, 2023-04.
  2. Aizenman, A., Gegenfurtner, K., & Goettker, A. (2023). Oculomotor routines for perceptual judgments. bioRxiv, 2023-09.
  3. Goettker, A., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). Individual differences link sensory processing and motor control. PsychArchives.
  4. Goettker, A., Caie, B., Jeyachandra, J., Xu, S., Gallivan, J., Dmochowski, J., Fiehler, K. & Blohm, G. (2019) HD-tDCS over mIPS causally modulates online reach correction. bioRxiv preprint.